Equine Nutrition
Nutrition Experience
Besides credentials listed here
I have been immersed in medical nutrition therapies for over 25 years.
Additional Nutrition Credentials
Equine Nutrition & Advanced Equine Nutrition courses, University of Guelph
Dr. Kellon equine nutrition courses
Integrative & Functional Nutrition - 2-year program

Your Horses' Nutrition Health & Happiness Starts Here
At Heartz Behaviour & Training, we provide professional nutrition advice. Our registered dietitian has over 25 years of experience and understands the need for individually tailored plans to meet specific needs. Properly feeding horses take into consideration any of their health and behaviour issues. Along with her extensive nutrition knowledge, she has undertaken additional equine nutrition courses. With our specialized knowledge and expertise, we strive to support your horse’s health and well-being. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions on the best nutrition options for your horse.